
Friday, July 20, 2012


Change is a part of life. Inevitable. Everything we have done and will do will define who we are.
Look back a year, and You'll realize how much you have changed, 'grown' in fact.
So why does one worry about change?

You say you don't. So tell me would you be comfortable in moving to a house with a limited amount of money? So limited that you're forced to buy your own food and make it?
Or would you be comfortable in just changing your daily routine of travelling from the car and take a bus instead? or would it be totally fine if you would instead of wearing fancy clothes, Just wear a loose T & shorts to go out??
Even if not one of these, Everyone knows beyond a certain point, The get 'uncomfortable'. And not safety hazardous or uncomfortable, but non-cozy uncomfortable.
So here's my point. Try doing on of those things. Regularly. And not daily regularly, but at least a biweekly.
Because some changes actually make you more self sufficient and it will only make your future easier to live in.
Just like in the movie 'Yes Man' & what my friend advised me. Try saying Yes to the next thing that happens to you.
You never know how it will Enrich you. :)